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 1. Rev. Kent Schaaf  Christianity in the Sudan  Christianity in the Sudan 
 2. President George W. Bush  President Bush Meets with First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of the Republic of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit - January 5, 2009  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 3. Thomas C. Oden  Libyan Christianity 3: Christianity from Marmarica to Tripolitania  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 4. Green Brothers Novelty Band  Sudan  Edison Blue Amberol: 4196 
 5. Interstates  Sudan  djnodj.com 
 6. State Radio  Sudan  Year Of The Crow   
 7. www.sudan-dj.com  www.sudan-dj.com  www.sudan-dj.com 
 8. Common Ground Radio  Sudan Bishops   
 9. The Dubliners  Sands Of Sudan  30 Years A-Graying II  
 10. The Voice AKA Charles Matlock  Horror In Sudan   
 11. The Voice AKA Charles Matlock  Horror In Sudan   
 12. The Voice AKA Charles Matlock  Horror In Sudan   
 13. Enough  Sudan's Election Paradox  www.enoughproject.org 
 14. Jim Wood, Chris Carr - Executive Producer  AIC: 07/23/04 Clayton Wood on the Sudan   
 15. Enough Project  Sudan: Opportunity Amidst Crisis   
 16. Grey-S. aka E`liflinx  e`liflinx - Sudan Hartum The Salt Night   
 17. Glen Ford  Africa Rejects Criminal Court Order on Sudan, Moves Toward Unity  Black Agenda Radio Commentaries 
 18. Amanda Rabinowitz  One of the Lost Boys of Sudan vists Stark County to talk about documentary  (c) 2007, WKSU 
 19. President George W. Bush  President Bush Meets with Special Envoy for Sudan Rich Williamson - January 17, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 20. Gareth McCormick  Is Christianity the only way?  CCBS 2006 
 21. Dr. Norris Belcher  What Is Christianity Pt1  Church Of The Open Door 
 22. Nate Cartel  Pon-Again Christianity  Naked Church 
 23. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #2  firefighters.org 
 24. SPARKS Colin  Origins Of Christianity  Marxism 1988 
 25. Christianity Today  Christianity Today    
 26. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #3  firefighters.org 
 27. William Craig  The Evidence for Christianity  EAN 2002 / HOPE21 
 28. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #1  firefighters.org 
 29. Stewart, Don  Why Christianity if True #4  firefighters.org 
 30. Christianity Today  Christianity Today    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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